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Growth Fund graduate Anagaza Elimu’s AI-powered learning platform gets remarkable traction boost

Angaza Elimu Data Science+AI Kenya
Sep 26 , 2023
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Data Science+AI

Angaza Elimu

Amount invested $351,231 USD Funding Status active growth period Founded in 2017 by Kiko Muuo
Female Founded
Generating Revenue



In the past year, we've achieved a significant milestone – the transformation of our adaptive e-learning platform into a more robust and intelligent system. This upgrade includes the implementation of state-of-the-art student adaptation and teacher intervention engines, enabling students to receive personalized learning experiences and progress at their own pace to foster self-development. Teachers now have greater autonomy in providing student instruction interventions, enhancing the learning process.

This development has yielded tangible improvements in daily user engagement and product stickiness. We've seen significant growth not only in daily users but in engagement duration. Daily student users grew from 21,000 to over 43,000, with engagement increasing from 29 minutes to 35 minutes.

With the recent upgrade to our adaptive e-learning platform, we're confident that our solution is a much-needed tool to enhance student learning outcomes and strengthen teacher pedagogy strategies.

Prototyping for Success

Our success can be attributed to two critical components:

Student Adaptation Engine: This engine regulates content delivery based on predictive models, tailoring material to a student's performance level and interests, thereby ensuring continuous learning improvement.

  • Domain Modeling Feature: Understanding how to present subtopic strands at different levels of detail, fine-tuning instructional strategies
  • Clustering Feature: Creating student groups based on their abilities to maximize instructional effectiveness.

Teacher Intervention Engine: This engine empowers teachers to intervene and override the automated system to better serve a student's learning.

  • Relationship Mining Feature: Establishing connections between student performance and resource engagement.
  • Knowledge Component (KC) Model Feature: Building a unique-step KC model, linking resources with knowledge components using Bloom's taxonomy.

User and Field Testing

Our objective is to enhance teachers' and students' capacity to engage with digital learning tools, resulting in improved educational outcomes. We aim to increase teachers' digital competency to deliver the national curriculum using digital tools and enhance students' performance.

From a student perspective, we seek to understand changes in learning performance between current learning modalities and our e-learning solution, identify factors affecting learning performance, and demonstrate the relationship between student performance and digital resource engagement.

Primary school students using our interactive eLearning
Primary school students using our interactive eLearning. @Angaza Elimu

From a teacher's perspective, we aim to boost digital competency, improve curriculum delivery, and identify the barriers and enablers for using digital tools in the classroom.

Open Source

Through the Open Source technical assistance provided by the Fund, we've established excellent standard documentation and coding practices. This will facilitate contributions from a wider community of developers, making our project more accessible and collaborative.

Business Model

We operate on a B2B2C model, partnering with ecosystem enablers who provide school infrastructure (devices, connectivity, electricity). These partnerships have driven remarkable user growth, increasing total student users from 31,000 to 105,000. We plan to expand our strategic partnerships to further fuel growth and conversion.

Future Collaborations & Way Forward

Our growth plan relies on strategic partnerships with development agencies, corporations, donors, and governments to expand our market reach. We'll focus on building and growing B2B2C agency distribution models and monetizing the actionable insights generated through educational data mining.

Over the next year, our goals are ambitious. We aim to grow active daily student users from 43,000 to 160,000 and teacher users from 3,700 to 11,000. We also plan to improve product stickiness from 35 minutes to approximately 45 minutes, with the hope of increasing learning outcomes from 24% to around 30%.

Working with the Venture Fund

Our partnership with the UNICEF Venture Fund has been invaluable. The mentorship, constructive criticism, and networks created have been instrumental in powering our growth over the past year. We're excited about the journey ahead and the positive impact we can make in the field of education.

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